Source code for ipfx.x_to_nwb.conversion_utils

Miscellaneous helper routines for the ABF/DAT to NWB v2 (aka X to NWB) conversion

import math
from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

import numpy as np

from pynwb.icephys import CurrentClampStimulusSeries, VoltageClampStimulusSeries, CurrentClampSeries, \
    VoltageClampSeries, IZeroClampSeries

    from pynwb.form.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO


# TODO Use the pint package if doing that manually gets too involved
[docs]def parseUnit(unitString): """ Split a SI unit string with prefix into the base unit and the prefix (as number). """ if unitString == "pA": return 1e-12, "A" elif unitString == "nA": return 1e-9, "A" elif unitString == "A": return 1.0, "A" elif unitString == "mV": return 1e-3, "V" elif unitString == "V": return 1.0, "V" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported unit string {unitString}.")
[docs]def getStimulusSeriesClass(clampMode): """ Return the appropriate pynwb stimulus class for the given clamp mode. """ if clampMode == V_CLAMP_MODE: return VoltageClampStimulusSeries elif clampMode == I_CLAMP_MODE: return CurrentClampStimulusSeries elif clampMode == I0_CLAMP_MODE: return None else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported clamp mode {clampMode}.")
[docs]def getAcquiredSeriesClass(clampMode): """ Return the appropriate pynwb acquisition class for the given clamp mode. """ if clampMode == V_CLAMP_MODE: return VoltageClampSeries elif clampMode == I_CLAMP_MODE: return CurrentClampSeries elif clampMode == I0_CLAMP_MODE: return IZeroClampSeries else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported clamp mode {clampMode}.")
[docs]def createSeriesName(prefix, number, total): """ Format a unique series group name of the form `prefix_XXX` where `XXX` is the formatted `number` long enough for `total` number of groups. """ return f"{prefix}_{number:0{math.ceil(math.log(total, 10))}d}", number + 1
[docs]def createCycleID(numbers, total): """ Create an integer from all numbers which is unique for that combination. :param: numbers: Iterable holding non-negative integer numbers :param: total: Total number of TimeSeries written to the NWB file """ assert total > 0, f"Unexpected value for total {total}" places = max(math.ceil(math.log(total, 10)), 1) result = 0 for idx, n in enumerate(reversed(numbers)): assert n >= 0, f"Unexpected value {n} at index {idx}" assert n < 10**places, f"Unexpected value {n} which is larger than {total}" result += n * (10**(idx * places)) return result
[docs]def convertDataset(array, compression): """ Convert to FP32 and optionally request compression for the given array and return it wrapped. """ data = array.astype(np.float32) if compression: return H5DataIO(data=data, compression=True, chunks=True, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True) return data
[docs]def getPackageInfo(): """ Return a dictionary with version information for the allensdk package """ def get_git_version(): """ Returns the project version as derived by git. """ path = os.path.dirname(__file__) branch = Popen(f'git -C "{path}" rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', stdout=PIPE, shell=True)'ascii') rev = Popen(f'git -C "{path}" describe --always --tags', stdout=PIPE, shell=True)'ascii') if branch.startswith('fatal') or rev.startswith('fatal'): raise ValueError("Could not determine git version") return f"({branch}) {rev}" try: package_version = get_distribution('allensdk').version except DistributionNotFound: # not installed as a package package_version = None try: git_version = get_git_version() except ValueError: # not in a git repostitory git_version = None version_info = {"repo": "", "package_version": "Unknown", "git_revision": "Unknown"} if package_version: version_info["package_version"] = package_version if git_version: version_info["git_revision"] = git_version return version_info
[docs]def getStimulusRecordIndex(sweep): return sweep.StimCount - 1
[docs]def getChannelRecordIndex(pgf, sweep, trace): """ Given a pgf node, a SweepRecord and TraceRecord this returns the corresponding `ChannelRecordStimulus` node as index. """ stimRec = pgf[getStimulusRecordIndex(sweep)] for idx, channelRec in enumerate(stimRec): if channelRec.AdcChannel == trace.AdcChannel: return idx return None
[docs]def clampModeToString(clampMode): """ Return the given clamp mode as human readable string. Useful for error messages. """ if clampMode == I_CLAMP_MODE: return "I_CLAMP_MODE" elif clampMode == V_CLAMP_MODE: return "V_CLAMP_MODE" elif clampMode == I0_CLAMP_MODE: return "I0_CLAMP_MODE" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown clampMode {clampMode}")