
This guide will walk you through the functionality of IPFX starting with the simplest examples and build on itself towards increasing complexity of the scope of the analysis and the size of data to be analyzed.

Detect Action Potentials

To detect action potentials, you must provide three 1D numpy arrays: stimulus current i in pA, response voltage v in mV, and timestamps t in seconds. With these three arrays, you can then do the following:

from ipfx.feature_extractor import SpikeFeatureExtractor

ext = SpikeFeatureExtractor()
spikes = ext.process(t, v, i)

The spikes object is a pandas DataFrame where rows are action potentials and columns are features.

Extract Spike Train Features

Given a spike train DataFrame, you can then compute a number of other features(e.g. adaptation and latency:

from ipfx.feature_extractor import SpikeTrainFeatureExtractor

ext = SpikeTrainFeatureExtractor()
features = ext.process(t, v, i, spikes) # re-using spikes from above

Stimulus-specific Analysis

To analyze all of the sweeps with a particular stimulus type (say, long square pulses), you’ll first need to create a SweepSet object. This object provides utilities for accessing properties of a group of Sweep objects:

from ipfx.sweep import Sweep, SweepSet

sweep_set = SweepSet([ Sweep(t=t0, v=v0, i=i0),
                       Sweep(t=t1, v=v1, i=i1),
                       Sweep(t=t2, v=v2, i=i2) ])

Sweeps corresponding to the same stimulus type may have different stimulus start time. This happens because sweeps may have different duration of the test pulse epoch preceding the stimulus epoch. To perform the analysis, we must align a sweep set to have the same stimulus start times.

Here, we will align sweeps to the beginning of the experimental epoch, that includes stimulus epoch padded by the pre-stimulus and post-stimulus time intervals. With sweeps aligned, we can obtain common to all sweeps start_time and end_time time of the stimulus:


sweep = sweep_set[0]
t = sweep.t
start_idx, end_idx = sweep.epochs["stim"] # choose stimulus epoch
start_time, end_time = t[start_idx], t[end_idx]

Now that we have this object, we can hand it to one of the stimulus-specific analysis classes. You first need to configure a SpikeFeatureExtractor and SpikeTrainFeatureExtractor:

from ipfx.feature_extractor import SpikeFeatureExtractor, SpikeTrainFeatureExtractor
from ipfx.stimulus_protocol_analysis import LongSquareAnalysis

spx = SpikeFeatureExtractor(start=start_time, end=end_time)
spfx = SpikeTrainFeatureExtractor(start=start_time, end=end_time)

analysis = LongSquareAnalysis(spx, spfx)
results = analysis.process(sweep_set)

At this point results contains whatever features/objects the analysis instance wants to return.

Analyze a Data Set

The extract_data_set_features() function allows you to calculate all available features for a given dataset in one call. IPFX supports datasets stored in Neurodata Without Borders 2.0 (NWB) format via a EphysDataSet class, which provides a well-known interface to all of the data in an experiment. The data released by the Allen Institute is hosted on the DANDI public archive in the NWB format. Refer to Data Access page for the instructions on downloading the data files.

To create an instance of the EphysDataSet:

from ipfx.dataset.create import create_ephys_data_set

dataset = create_ephys_data_set(nwb_file="path/to/experiment.nwb")
long_squares = dataset.filtered_sweep_table(stimuli=ds.ontology.long_square_names) # more on this next!
sweep_set = dataset.sweep_set(long_squares.sweep_number)

where path/to/experiment.nwb is a local path to the nwb2 file that you have downloaded from the public archive.

With an instance of the EphysDataSet available you can easily obtain: a Sweep for a given sweep number:

sweep = ds.sweep(sweep_number)
t = sweep.t
v = sweep.v
i = sweep.i

with the corresponding t, v, and i arrays.

You may also obtain a SweepSet, for a particular grouping of sweeps by filtering the sweep_table:

long_squares = dataset.filtered_sweep_table(stimuli=dataset.ontology.long_square_names) # more on this next!
sweep_set = dataset.sweep_set(long_squares.sweep_number)

where dataset.ontology includes references to the names of all stimuli types known to IPFX. See Stimulus Types for details.

Finally, you can run end-to-end analyses on an NWB file:

to calculate the QC features:

from ipfx.qc_feature_extractor import sweep_qc_features, cell_qc_features

dataset = create_ephys_data_set(nwb_file="path/to/experiment.nwb")
sweep_qc_features = sweep_qc_features(dataset)
cell_features, cell_tags = cell_qc_features(dataset)

and to calculate the analysis features:

from ipfx.data_set_features import extract_data_set_features

drop_failed_sweeps(data_set)     # sweeps with incomplete recording or failing QC criteria
(cell_features, sweep_features,
 cell_record, sweep_records,
 cell_state, feature_states) = dsft.extract_data_set_features(data_set)
this code block does the following:
  1. Creates a dataset
  2. Drops failed sweeps that cannot be used for feature extraction
  3. Computes features for the Long Square, Short Square and Ramp sweeps