Source code for ipfx.sweep

import ipfx.epochs as ep

[docs]class Sweep(object): def __init__(self, t, v, i, clamp_mode, sampling_rate, sweep_number=None, epochs=None): self._t = t self._v = v self._i = i self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.sweep_number = sweep_number self.clamp_mode = clamp_mode if epochs: self.epochs = epochs else: self.epochs = {} if self.clamp_mode == "CurrentClamp": self._response = self._v self._stimulus = self._i else: self._response = self._i self._stimulus = self._v self.detect_epochs() self.selected_epoch_name = "recording" @property def t(self): start_idx, end_idx = self.epochs[self.selected_epoch_name] return self._t[start_idx:end_idx+1] @property def v(self): start_idx, end_idx = self.epochs[self.selected_epoch_name] return self._v[start_idx:end_idx+1] @property def i(self): start_idx, end_idx = self.epochs[self.selected_epoch_name] return self._i[start_idx:end_idx+1]
[docs] def select_epoch(self, epoch_name): self.selected_epoch_name = epoch_name
[docs] def set_time_zero_to_index(self, time_step): dt = 1. / self.sampling_rate self._t = self._t - time_step*dt
[docs] def detect_epochs(self): """ Detect epochs if they are not provided in the constructor """ if "test" not in self.epochs: self.epochs["test"] = ep.get_test_epoch(self._stimulus, self.sampling_rate) if self.epochs["test"]: test_pulse = True else: test_pulse = False if "sweep" not in self.epochs: self.epochs["sweep"] = ep.get_sweep_epoch(self._i) if "recording" not in self.epochs: self.epochs["recording"] = ep.get_recording_epoch(self._response) # get valid recording by selecting epoch and using i/v prop before detecting stim self.select_epoch("recording") stim = self.i if self.clamp_mode == "CurrentClamp" else self.v if "stim" not in self.epochs: self.epochs["stim"] = ep.get_stim_epoch(stim, test_pulse) if "experiment" not in self.epochs: self.epochs["experiment"] = ep.get_experiment_epoch(stim, self.sampling_rate, test_pulse)
[docs]class SweepSet(object): def __init__(self, sweeps): self.sweeps = sweeps def _prop(self, prop): return [getattr(s, prop) for s in self.sweeps]
[docs] def select_epoch(self, epoch_name): for sweep in self.sweeps: sweep.select_epoch(epoch_name)
[docs] def align_to_start_of_epoch(self, epoch_name): for sweep in self.sweeps: start_idx, end_idx = sweep.epochs[epoch_name] sweep.set_time_zero_to_index(start_idx)
@property def t(self): return self._prop('t') @property def v(self): return self._prop('v') @property def i(self): return self._prop('i') @property def sweep_number(self): return self._prop('sweep_number') @property def sampling_rate(self): return self._prop('sampling_rate')