Source code for ipfx.spike_train_features

import numpy as np
import warnings
import logging
from . import spike_features as spkf
from . import error as er

[docs]def basic_spike_train_features(t, spikes_df, start, end, exclude_clipped=False): features = {} if len(spikes_df) == 0 or spikes_df.empty: features["avg_rate"] = 0 return features thresholds = spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int) if exclude_clipped: mask = spikes_df["clipped"].values.astype(bool) thresholds = thresholds[~mask] isis = get_isis(t, thresholds) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore mean of empty slice warnings here warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, module="numpy") features = { "adapt": adaptation_index(isis), "latency": latency(t, thresholds, start), "isi_cv": (isis.std() / isis.mean()) if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan, "mean_isi": isis.mean() if len(isis) > 0 else np.nan, "median_isi": np.median(isis), "first_isi": isis[0] if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan, "avg_rate": average_rate(t, thresholds, start, end), } return features
[docs]def pause(t, spikes_df, start, end, cost_weight=1.0): """Estimate average number of pauses and average fraction of time spent in a pause Attempts to detect pauses with a variety of conditions and averages results together. Pauses that are consistently detected contribute more to estimates. Returns ------- avg_n_pauses : average number of pauses detected across conditions avg_pause_frac : average fraction of interval (between start and end) spent in a pause max_reliability : max fraction of times most reliable pause was detected given weights tested n_max_rel_pauses : number of pauses detected with `max_reliability` """ warnings.warn("This function will be removed") # Pauses are unusually long ISIs with a "detour reset" among delay resets thresholds = spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int) isis = get_isis(t, thresholds) isi_types = spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values pause_list = spkf.detect_pauses(isis, isi_types, cost_weight) if len(pause_list) == 0: return 0, 0. n_pauses = len(pause_list) pause_frac = isis[pause_list].sum() pause_frac /= end - start return n_pauses, pause_frac
[docs]def burst(t, spikes_df, tol=0.5, pause_cost=1.0): """Find bursts and return max "burstiness" index (normalized max rate in burst vs out). Returns ------- max_burstiness_index : max "burstiness" index across detected bursts num_bursts : number of bursts detected """ warnings.warn("This function will be removed") thresholds = spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int) isis = get_isis(t, thresholds) isi_types = spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values fast_tr_v = spikes_df["fast_trough_v"].values fast_tr_t = spikes_df["fast_trough_t"].values slow_tr_v = spikes_df["slow_trough_v"].values slow_tr_t = spikes_df["slow_trough_t"].values thr_v = spikes_df["threshold_v"].values bursts = spkf.detect_bursts(isis, isi_types, fast_tr_v, fast_tr_t, slow_tr_v, slow_tr_t, thr_v, tol, pause_cost) burst_info = np.array(bursts) if burst_info.shape[0] > 0: return burst_info[:, 0].max(), burst_info.shape[0] else: return 0., 0
[docs]def delay(t, v, spikes_df, start, end): """Calculates ratio of latency to dominant time constant of rise before spike Returns ------- delay_ratio : ratio of latency to tau (higher means more delay) tau : dominant time constant of rise before spike """ warnings.warn("This function will be removed") if len(spikes_df) == 0:"No spikes available for delay calculation") return 0., 0. spike_time = spikes_df["threshold_t"].values[0] tau = spkf.fit_prespike_time_constant(t, v, start, spike_time) latency = spike_time - start delay_ratio = latency / tau return delay_ratio, tau
[docs]def fit_fi_slope(stim_amps, avg_rates): """Fit the rate and stimulus amplitude to a line and return the slope of the fit.""" if len(stim_amps) < 2: raise er.FeatureError("Cannot fit f-I curve slope with less than two sweeps") x = stim_amps y = avg_rates A = np.vstack([x, np.ones_like(x)]).T m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y,rcond=None)[0] return m
[docs]def get_isis(t, spikes): """Find interspike intervals in sec between spikes (as indexes).""" if len(spikes) <= 1: return np.array([]) return t[spikes[1:]] - t[spikes[:-1]]
[docs]def adaptation_index(isis): """Calculate adaptation index of `isis`.""" if len(isis) == 0: return np.nan return norm_diff(isis)
[docs]def latency(t, spikes, start): """Calculate time to the first spike.""" if len(spikes) == 0: return np.nan if start is None: start = t[0] return t[spikes[0]] - start
[docs]def average_rate(t, spikes, start, end): """Calculate average firing rate during interval between `start` and `end`. Parameters ---------- t : numpy array of times in seconds spikes : numpy array of spike indexes start : start of time window for spike detection end : end of time window for spike detection Returns ------- avg_rate : average firing rate in spikes/sec """ if start is None: start = t[0] if end is None: end = t[-1] spikes_in_interval = [spk for spk in spikes if t[spk] >= start and t[spk] <= end] avg_rate = len(spikes_in_interval) / (end - start) return avg_rate
[docs]def norm_diff(a): """Calculate average of (a[i] - a[i+1]) / (a[i] + a[i+1]).""" if len(a) <= 1: return np.nan a = a.astype(float) if np.allclose((a[1:] + a[:-1]), 0.): return 0. norm_diffs = (a[1:] - a[:-1]) / (a[1:] + a[:-1]) norm_diffs[(a[1:] == 0) & (a[:-1] == 0)] = 0. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, module="numpy") avg = np.nanmean(norm_diffs) return avg
[docs]def norm_sq_diff(a): """Calculate average of (a[i] - a[i+1])^2 / (a[i] + a[i+1])^2.""" if len(a) <= 1: return np.nan a = a.astype(float) norm_sq_diffs = np.square((a[1:] - a[:-1])) / np.square((a[1:] + a[:-1])) return norm_sq_diffs.mean()
[docs]def detect_pauses(isis, isi_types, cost_weight=1.0): """Determine which ISIs are "pauses" in ongoing firing. Pauses are unusually long ISIs with a "detour reset" among "direct resets". Parameters ---------- isis : numpy array of interspike intervals isi_types : numpy array of interspike interval types ('direct' or 'detour') cost_weight : weight for cost function for calling an ISI a pause Higher cost weights lead to fewer ISIs identified as pauses. The cost function also depends on the difference between the duration of the "pause" ISIs and the average duration and standard deviation of "non-pause" ISIs. Returns ------- pauses : numpy array of indices corresponding to pauses in `isis` """ if len(isis) != len(isi_types): raise er.FeatureError("Wrong number of ISIs") if not np.any(isi_types == "direct"): # Need some direct-type firing to have pauses return np.array([]) detour_candidates = [i for i, isi_type in enumerate(isi_types) if isi_type == "detour"] median_direct = np.median(isis[isi_types == "direct"]) direct_candidates = [i for i, isi_type in enumerate(isi_types) if isi_type == "direct" and isis[i] > 3 * median_direct] candidates = detour_candidates + direct_candidates if not candidates: return np.array([]) pause_list = np.array([], dtype=int) all_cv = isis.std() / isis.mean() best_net = 0 for i in candidates: temp_pause_list = np.append(pause_list, i) non_pause_isis = np.delete(isis, temp_pause_list) pause_isis = isis[temp_pause_list] if len(non_pause_isis) < 2: break cv = non_pause_isis.std() / non_pause_isis.mean() benefit = all_cv - cv cost = np.sum(non_pause_isis.std() / np.abs(non_pause_isis.mean() - pause_isis)) cost *= cost_weight net = benefit - cost if net > 0 and net < best_net: break if net > best_net: best_net = net pause_list = np.append(pause_list, i) if best_net <= 0: pause_list = np.array([]) return np.sort(pause_list)
[docs]def detect_bursts(isis, isi_types, fast_tr_v, fast_tr_t, slow_tr_v, slow_tr_t, thr_v, tol=0.5, pause_cost=1.0): """Detect bursts in spike train. Parameters ---------- isis : numpy array of n interspike intervals isi_types : numpy array of n interspike interval types fast_tr_v : numpy array of fast trough voltages for the n + 1 spikes of the train fast_tr_t : numpy array of fast trough times for the n + 1 spikes of the train slow_tr_v : numpy array of slow trough voltages for the n + 1 spikes of the train slow_tr_t : numpy array of slow trough times for the n + 1 spikes of the train thr_v : numpy array of threshold voltages for the n + 1 spikes of the train tol : tolerance for the difference in slow trough voltages and thresholds (default 0.5 mV) Used to identify "delay" interspike intervals that occur within a burst Returns ------- bursts : list of bursts Each item in list is a tuple of the form (burst_index, start, end) where `burst_index` is a comparison index between the highest instantaneous rate within the burst vs the highest instantaneous rate outside the burst. `start` is the index of the first ISI of the burst, and `end` is the ISI index immediately following the burst. """ if len(isis) != len(isi_types): raise er.FeatureError("Wrong number of ISIs") if len(isis) < 2: # can't determine burstiness for a single ISI return np.array([]) fast_tr_v = fast_tr_v[:-1] fast_tr_t = fast_tr_t[:-1] slow_tr_v = slow_tr_v[:-1] slow_tr_t = slow_tr_t[:-1] isi_types = np.array(isi_types) # don't want to change the actual isi types data # Burst transitions can't be at "pause"-like ISIs pauses = detect_pauses(isis, isi_types, cost_weight=pause_cost).astype(int) isi_types[pauses] = "pauselike" if not (np.any(isi_types == "direct") and np.any(isi_types == "detour")): # no candidates that could be bursts return np.array([]) # Want to catch special case of detour in the middle of a large burst where # the slow trough value is higher than the previous spike's threshold isi_types[(thr_v[:-1] < (slow_tr_v + tol)) & (isi_types == "detour")] = "midburst" # Find transitions from direct -> detour and vice versa for burst boundaries into_burst = np.array([i + 1 for i, (prev, cur) in enumerate(zip(isi_types[:-1], isi_types[1:])) if cur == "direct" and prev == "detour"], dtype=int) if isi_types[0] == "direct": into_burst = np.append(np.array([0]), into_burst) drop_into = [] out_of_burst = [] for j, (into, next) in enumerate(zip(into_burst, np.append(into_burst[1:], len(isis)))): for i, isi in enumerate(isi_types[into + 1:next]): if isi == "detour": out_of_burst.append(i + into + 1) break elif isi == "pauselike": drop_into.append(j) break mask = np.ones_like(into_burst, dtype=bool) mask[drop_into] = False into_burst = into_burst[mask] out_of_burst = np.array(out_of_burst, dtype=int) if len(out_of_burst) == len(into_burst) - 1: out_of_burst = np.append(out_of_burst, len(isi_types)) if not (into_burst.size or out_of_burst.size): return np.array([]) if len(into_burst) != len(out_of_burst): raise er.FeatureError("Inconsistent burst boundary identification") inout_pairs = list(zip(into_burst, out_of_burst)) delta_t = slow_tr_t - fast_tr_t scores = _score_burst_set(inout_pairs, isis, delta_t) best_score = np.mean(scores) worst = np.argmin(scores) test_bursts = list(inout_pairs) del test_bursts[worst] while len(test_bursts) > 0: scores = _score_burst_set(test_bursts, isis, delta_t) if np.mean(scores) > best_score: best_score = np.mean(scores) inout_pairs = list(test_bursts) worst = np.argmin(scores) del test_bursts[worst] else: break if best_score < 0: return np.array([]) bursts = [] for i, (into, outof) in enumerate(inout_pairs): if i == len(inout_pairs) - 1: # last burst to evaluate if outof <= len(isis) - 1: # are there spikes left after the burst? metric = _burstiness_index(isis[into:outof], isis[outof:]) elif i == 0: # was this the first one (and there weren't spikes after)? metric = _burstiness_index(isis[into:outof], isis[:into]) else: prev_burst = inout_pairs[i - 1] metric = _burstiness_index(isis[into:outof], isis[prev_burst[1]:into]) else: next_burst = inout_pairs[i + 1] metric = _burstiness_index(isis[into:outof], isis[outof:next_burst[0]]) bursts.append((metric, into, outof)) return bursts
def _score_burst_set(bursts, isis, delta_t, c_n=0.1, c_tx=0.01): in_burst = np.zeros_like(isis, dtype=bool) for b in bursts: in_burst[b[0]:b[1]] = True # If all ISIs are part of a burst, give it a bad score if len(isis[~in_burst]) == 0: return [-1e12] * len(bursts) delta_frac = delta_t / isis scores = [] for b in bursts: score = _burstiness_index(isis[b[0]:b[1]], isis[~in_burst]) # base score if b[1] < len(delta_t): score -= c_tx * (1. / (delta_frac[b[1]])) # cost for starting a burst if b[0] > 0: score -= c_tx * (1. / delta_frac[b[0] - 1]) # cost for ending a burst score -= c_n * (b[1] - b[0] - 1) # cost for extending a burst scores.append(score) return scores def _burstiness_index(in_burst_isis, out_burst_isis): burst_rate = 1. / in_burst_isis.min() out_rate = 1. / out_burst_isis.min() return (burst_rate - out_rate) / (burst_rate + out_rate)