Source code for ipfx.script_utils

import logging
import os
import json
import traceback

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py

from allensdk.core.cell_types_cache import CellTypesCache

import ipfx.lims_queries as lq
import ipfx.stim_features as stf
import ipfx.stimulus_protocol_analysis as spa
import ipfx.data_set_features as dsf
import ipfx.time_series_utils as tsu
import ipfx.error as er
from ipfx.stimulus import StimulusType
from ipfx.sweep import SweepSet
from ipfx.dataset.create import create_ephys_data_set

[docs]def lims_nwb_information(specimen_id): _, roi_id, _ = lq.get_specimen_info_from_lims_by_id(specimen_id) if roi_id is None: logging.warning("No ephys ROI result found for {:d}".format(specimen_id)) return {"error": {"type": "no_ephys_roi_result", "details": "roi ID was None"}}, None nwb_path = lq.get_nwb_path_from_lims(roi_id) if (nwb_path is None) or (len(nwb_path) == 0): # could not find an NWB file logging.warning("No NWB file for {:d}".format(specimen_id)) return {"error": {"type": "no_nwb", "details": "empty nwb path"}}, None # Check if NWB has lab notebook information, or if additional hdf5 file is needed h5_path = None try: with h5py.File(nwb_path, "r") as h5: if "general/labnotebook" not in h5: try: h5_path = lq.get_igorh5_path_from_lims(roi_id) except Exception as detail: logging.warning("Exception when loading h5 file for {:d}".format(specimen_id)) logging.warning(detail) return {"error": {"type": "dataset", "details": traceback.format_exc(limit=None)}}, None except: logging.warning("Could not open NWB file for {:d}".format(specimen_id)) return {"error": {"type": "no_nwb", "details": ""}}, None return nwb_path, h5_path
[docs]def sdk_nwb_information(specimen_id): ctc = CellTypesCache() nwb_data_set = ctc.get_ephys_data(specimen_id) sweep_info = ctc.get_ephys_sweeps(specimen_id) return nwb_data_set.file_name, sweep_info
[docs]def dataset_for_specimen_id(specimen_id, data_source, ontology, file_list=None): if data_source == "lims": nwb_path, h5_path = lims_nwb_information(specimen_id) if type(nwb_path) is dict and "error" in nwb_path: logging.warning("Problem getting NWB file for specimen {:d} from LIMS".format(specimen_id)) return nwb_path try: data_set = create_ephys_data_set( nwb_file=nwb_path, ontology=ontology) except Exception as detail: logging.warning("Exception when loading specimen {:d} from LIMS".format(specimen_id)) logging.warning(detail) return {"error": {"type": "dataset", "details": traceback.format_exc(limit=None)}} elif data_source == "sdk": nwb_path, sweep_info = sdk_nwb_information(specimen_id) try: data_set = create_ephys_data_set( nwb_file=nwb_path, sweep_info=sweep_info, ontology=ontology) except Exception as detail: logging.warning("Exception when loading specimen {:d} via Allen SDK".format(specimen_id)) logging.warning(detail) return {"error": {"type": "dataset", "details": traceback.format_exc(limit=None)}} elif data_source == "filesystem": nwb_path = file_list[specimen_id] try: data_set = create_ephys_data_set(nwb_file=nwb_path) except Exception as detail: logging.warning("Exception when loading specimen {:d} via file system".format(specimen_id)) logging.warning(detail) return {"error": {"type": "dataset", "details": traceback.format_exc(limit=None)}} else: logging.error("invalid data source specified ({})".format(data_source)) return data_set
[docs]def categorize_iclamp_sweeps(data_set, stimuli_names, sweep_qc_option="none", specimen_id=None): exist_sql = """ select swp.sweep_number from ephys_sweeps swp where swp.specimen_id = :1 and swp.sweep_number = any(:2) """ passed_sql = """ select swp.sweep_number from ephys_sweeps swp where swp.specimen_id = :1 and swp.sweep_number = any(:2) and swp.workflow_state like '%%passed' """ passed_except_delta_vm_sql = """ select swp.sweep_number, from ephys_sweeps swp join ephys_sweep_tags_ephys_sweeps estes on estes.ephys_sweep_id = join ephys_sweep_tags tag on = estes.ephys_sweep_tag_id where swp.specimen_id = :1 and swp.sweep_number = any(:2) """ iclamp_st = data_set.filtered_sweep_table(clamp_mode=data_set.CURRENT_CLAMP, stimuli=stimuli_names) if iclamp_st.shape[0] == 0: return np.array([]) if sweep_qc_option == "none": return iclamp_st["sweep_number"].sort_values().values elif sweep_qc_option == "lims-passed-only": # check that sweeps exist in LIMS sweep_num_list = iclamp_st["sweep_number"].sort_values().tolist() results = lq.query(exist_sql, (specimen_id, sweep_num_list)) res_nums = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["sweep_number"])["sweep_number"].tolist() not_checked_list = [] for swp_num in sweep_num_list: if swp_num not in res_nums: logging.debug("Could not find sweep {:d} from specimen {:d} in LIMS for QC check".format(swp_num, specimen_id)) not_checked_list.append(swp_num) # Get passed sweeps results = lq.query(passed_sql, (specimen_id, sweep_num_list)) results_df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["sweep_number"]) passed_sweep_nums = results_df["sweep_number"].values return np.sort(np.hstack([passed_sweep_nums, np.array(not_checked_list)])) # deciding to keep non-checked sweeps for now elif sweep_qc_option == "lims-passed-except-delta-vm": # check that sweeps exist in LIMS sweep_num_list = iclamp_st["sweep_number"].sort_values().tolist() results = lq.query(exist_sql, (specimen_id, sweep_num_list)) res_nums = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["sweep_number"])["sweep_number"].tolist() not_checked_list = [] for swp_num in sweep_num_list: if swp_num not in res_nums: logging.debug("Could not find sweep {:d} from specimen {:d} in LIMS for QC check".format(swp_num, specimen_id)) not_checked_list.append(swp_num) # get straight-up passed sweeps results = lq.query(passed_sql, (specimen_id, sweep_num_list)) results_df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["sweep_number"]) passed_sweep_nums = results_df["sweep_number"].values # also get sweeps that only fail due to delta Vm failed_sweep_list = list(set(sweep_num_list) - set(passed_sweep_nums)) if len(failed_sweep_list) == 0: return np.sort(passed_sweep_nums) results = lq.query(passed_except_delta_vm_sql, (specimen_id, failed_sweep_list)) results_df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["sweep_number", "name"]) # not all cells have tagged QC status - if there are no tags assume the # fail call is correct and exclude those sweeps tagged_mask = np.array([sn in results_df["sweep_number"].tolist() for sn in failed_sweep_list]) # otherwise, check for having an error tag that isn't 'Vm delta' # and exclude those sweeps has_non_delta_tags = np.array([np.any((results_df["sweep_number"].values == sn) & (results_df["name"].values != "Vm delta")) for sn in failed_sweep_list]) also_passing_nums = np.array(failed_sweep_list)[tagged_mask & ~has_non_delta_tags] return np.sort(np.hstack([passed_sweep_nums, also_passing_nums, np.array(not_checked_list)])) else: raise ValueError("Invalid sweep-level QC option {}".format(sweep_qc_option))
[docs]def validate_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers, extra_dur=0.2): check_sweeps = data_set.sweep_set(sweep_numbers) valid_sweep_stim = [] start = None dur = None for swp in check_sweeps.sweeps: if len(swp.t) == 0: valid_sweep_stim.append(False) continue swp_start, swp_dur, _, _, _ = stf.get_stim_characteristics(swp.i, swp.t) if swp_start is None: valid_sweep_stim.append(False) else: start = swp_start dur = swp_dur valid_sweep_stim.append(True) if start is None: # Could not find any sweeps to define stimulus interval return [], None, None end = start + dur # Check that all sweeps are long enough and not ended early good_sweeps = [s for s, v in zip(check_sweeps.sweeps, valid_sweep_stim) if s.t[-1] >= end + extra_dur and v is True and not np.all(s.v[tsu.find_time_index(s.t, end)-100:tsu.find_time_index(s.t, end)] == 0)] return SweepSet(sweeps=good_sweeps), start, end
[docs]def preprocess_long_square_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers, extra_dur=0.2, subthresh_min_amp=-100.): if len(sweep_numbers) == 0: raise er.FeatureError("No long square sweeps available for feature extraction") lsq_sweeps, lsq_start, lsq_end = validate_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers, extra_dur=extra_dur) if len(lsq_sweeps.sweeps) == 0: raise er.FeatureError("No long square sweeps were long enough or did not end early") lsq_spx, lsq_spfx = dsf.extractors_for_sweeps( lsq_sweeps, start=lsq_start, end=lsq_end, min_peak=-25, **dsf.detection_parameters(StimulusType.LONG_SQUARE) ) lsq_an = spa.LongSquareAnalysis(lsq_spx, lsq_spfx, subthresh_min_amp=subthresh_min_amp) lsq_features = lsq_an.analyze(lsq_sweeps) return lsq_sweeps, lsq_features, lsq_an, lsq_start, lsq_end
[docs]def preprocess_short_square_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers, extra_dur=0.2, spike_window=0.05): if len(sweep_numbers) == 0: raise er.FeatureError("No short square sweeps available for feature extraction") ssq_sweeps, ssq_start, ssq_end = validate_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers, extra_dur=extra_dur) if len(ssq_sweeps.sweeps) == 0: raise er.FeatureError("No short square sweeps were long enough or did not end early") ssq_spx, ssq_spfx = dsf.extractors_for_sweeps(ssq_sweeps, est_window = [ssq_start, ssq_start + 0.001], start=ssq_start, end=ssq_end + spike_window, reject_at_stim_start_interval=0.0002, **dsf.detection_parameters(StimulusType.SHORT_SQUARE)) ssq_an = spa.ShortSquareAnalysis(ssq_spx, ssq_spfx) ssq_features = ssq_an.analyze(ssq_sweeps) return ssq_sweeps, ssq_features, ssq_an
[docs]def preprocess_ramp_sweeps(data_set, sweep_numbers): if len(sweep_numbers) == 0: raise er.FeatureError("No ramp sweeps available for feature extraction") ramp_sweeps = data_set.sweep_set(sweep_numbers) ramp_start, ramp_dur, _, _, _ = stf.get_stim_characteristics(ramp_sweeps.sweeps[0].i, ramp_sweeps.sweeps[0].t) ramp_spx, ramp_spfx = dsf.extractors_for_sweeps(ramp_sweeps, start = ramp_start, **dsf.detection_parameters(StimulusType.RAMP)) ramp_an = spa.RampAnalysis(ramp_spx, ramp_spfx) ramp_features = ramp_an.analyze(ramp_sweeps) return ramp_sweeps, ramp_features, ramp_an
[docs]def filter_results(specimen_ids, results): filtered_set = [(i, r) for i, r in zip(specimen_ids, results) if not "error" in r.keys()] error_set = [{"id": i, "error": d} for i, d in zip(specimen_ids, results) if "error" in d.keys()] if len(filtered_set) == 0:"No specimens had results") return used_ids, results = zip(*filtered_set) return used_ids, results, error_set
[docs]def organize_results(specimen_ids, results): """Build dictionary of results, filling data from cells with appropriate-length nan arrays where needed""" result_sizes = {} output = {} all_keys = np.unique(np.concatenate([list(r.keys()) for r in results])) for k in all_keys: if k not in result_sizes: for r in results: if k in r and r[k] is not None: result_sizes[k] = len(r[k]) data = np.array([r[k] if k in r else np.nan * np.zeros(result_sizes[k]) for r in results]) output[k] = data return output
[docs]def save_results_to_npy(specimen_ids, results_dict, output_dir, output_code): k_sizes = {} for k in results_dict:, "fv_{:s}_{:s}.npy".format(k, output_code)), results_dict[k]), "fv_ids_{:s}.npy".format(output_code)), specimen_ids)
[docs]def save_results_to_h5(specimen_ids, results_dict, output_dir, output_code): ids_arr = np.array(specimen_ids) h5_file = h5py.File(os.path.join(output_dir, "fv_{}.h5".format(output_code)), "w") for k in results_dict: data = results_dict[k] dset = h5_file.create_dataset(k, data.shape, dtype=data.dtype, compression="gzip") dset[...] = data dset = h5_file.create_dataset("ids", ids_arr.shape, dtype=ids_arr.dtype, compression="gzip") dset[...] = ids_arr h5_file.close()
[docs]def save_errors_to_json(error_set, output_dir, output_code): with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "fv_errors_{:s}.json".format(output_code)), "w") as f: json.dump(error_set, f, indent=4)