Source code for ipfx.feature_vectors

import numpy as np
import logging
from scipy import stats
from . import data_set_features as dsf
from . import stimulus_protocol_analysis as spa
from . import time_series_utils as tsu
from . import error as er

[docs]def identify_subthreshold_hyperpol_with_amplitudes(features, sweeps): """ Identify subthreshold responses from hyperpolarizing steps Parameters ---------- features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() sweeps: SweepSet Long square sweeps Returns ------- amp_sweep_dict: dict Amplitude-sweep pairs deflect_dict: dict Dictionary of (base, deflect) tuples with amplitudes as keys """ # Get non-spiking sweeps subthresh_df = features["subthreshold_sweeps"] # Get responses to hyperpolarizing steps subthresh_df = subthresh_df.loc[subthresh_df["stim_amp"] < 0] # only consider hyperpolarizing steps # Construct dictionary subthresh_sweep_ind = subthresh_df.index.tolist() subthresh_sweeps = np.array(sweeps.sweeps)[subthresh_sweep_ind] subthresh_amps = np.rint(subthresh_df["stim_amp"].values) subthresh_deflect = subthresh_df["peak_deflect"].values subthresh_base = subthresh_df["v_baseline"].values mask = subthresh_amps < -1000 # TEMP QC ISSUE: Check for bad amps; shouldn't have to do this in general subthresh_amps = subthresh_amps[~mask] subthresh_sweeps = subthresh_sweeps[~mask] subthresh_deflect = subthresh_deflect[~mask] subthresh_base = subthresh_base[~mask] amp_sweep_dict = dict(zip(subthresh_amps, subthresh_sweeps)) base_deflect_tuples = zip(subthresh_base, [d[0] for d in subthresh_deflect]) deflect_dict = dict(zip(subthresh_amps, base_deflect_tuples)) return amp_sweep_dict, deflect_dict
[docs]def identify_subthreshold_depol_with_amplitudes(features, sweeps): """ Identify subthreshold responses from depolarizing steps Parameters ---------- features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() sweeps: SweepSet Long square sweeps Returns ------- amp_sweep_dict: dict Amplitude-sweep pairs deflect_dict: dict Dictionary of (base, deflect) tuples with amplitudes as keys """ if "subthreshold_sweeps" in features: sweep_table = features["subthreshold_sweeps"] else: all_sweeps_table = features["sweeps"] sweep_table = all_sweeps_table.loc[all_sweeps_table["avg_rate"] == 0, :] amps = np.rint(sweep_table["stim_amp"].values) subthresh_sweep_ind = sweep_table.index.tolist() subthresh_sweeps = np.array(sweeps.sweeps)[subthresh_sweep_ind] subthresh_depol_mask = amps > 0 if np.sum(subthresh_depol_mask) == 0: return {}, {} subthresh_amps = amps[subthresh_depol_mask] subthresh_sweeps = subthresh_sweeps[subthresh_depol_mask] subthresh_deflect = sweep_table["peak_deflect"].values[subthresh_depol_mask] subthresh_base = sweep_table["v_baseline"].values[subthresh_depol_mask] amp_sweep_dict = dict(zip(subthresh_amps, subthresh_sweeps)) base_deflect_tuples = zip(subthresh_base, [d[0] for d in subthresh_deflect]) deflect_dict = dict(zip(subthresh_amps, base_deflect_tuples)) return amp_sweep_dict, deflect_dict
[docs]def step_subthreshold(amp_sweep_dict, target_amps, start, end, extend_duration=0.2, subsample_interval=0.01, amp_tolerance=0.): """ Subsample set of subthreshold step responses including regions before and after step Parameters ---------- amp_sweep_dict : dict Amplitude-sweep pairs target_amps: list Desired amplitudes for output vector start: float start stimulus interval (seconds) end: float end of stimulus interval (seconds) extend_duration: float (optional, default 0.2) Duration to extend sweep before and after stimulus interval (seconds) subsample_interval: float (optional, default 0.01) Size of subsampled bins (seconds) amp_tolerance: float (optional, default 0) Tolerance for finding matching amplitudes Returns ------- output_vector: subsampled, concatenated voltage trace """ # Subsample each sweep subsampled_dict = {} for amp in amp_sweep_dict: swp = amp_sweep_dict[amp] start_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, start - extend_duration) delta_t = swp.t[1] - swp.t[0] subsample_width = int(np.round(subsample_interval / delta_t)) end_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, end + extend_duration) subsampled_v = _subsample_average(swp.v[start_index:end_index], subsample_width) subsampled_dict[amp] = subsampled_v extend_length = int(np.round(extend_duration / subsample_interval)) available_amps = np.array(list(subsampled_dict.keys())) output_list = [] for amp in target_amps: amp_diffs = np.array(np.abs(available_amps - amp)) if np.any(amp_diffs <= amp_tolerance): matching_amp = available_amps[np.argmin(amp_diffs)] logging.debug("found amp of {} to match {} (tol={})".format(matching_amp, amp, amp_tolerance)) output_list.append(subsampled_dict[matching_amp]) else: lower_amp = 0 upper_amp = 0 for a in available_amps: if a < amp: if lower_amp == 0: lower_amp = a elif a > lower_amp: lower_amp = a if a > amp: if upper_amp == 0: upper_amp = a elif a < upper_amp: upper_amp = a if lower_amp != 0 and upper_amp != 0: logging.debug("interpolating for amp {} with lower {} and upper {}".format(amp, lower_amp, upper_amp)) avg = (subsampled_dict[lower_amp] + subsampled_dict[upper_amp]) / 2. scale = amp / ((lower_amp + upper_amp) / 2.) base_v = avg[:extend_length].mean() avg[extend_length:-extend_length] = (avg[extend_length:-extend_length] - base_v) * scale + base_v elif lower_amp != 0: logging.debug("interpolating for amp {} from lower {}".format(amp, lower_amp)) avg = subsampled_dict[lower_amp].copy() scale = amp / lower_amp base_v = avg[:extend_length].mean() avg[extend_length:] = (avg[extend_length:] - base_v) * scale + base_v elif upper_amp != 0: logging.debug("interpolating for amp {} from upper {}".format(amp, upper_amp)) avg = subsampled_dict[upper_amp].copy() scale = amp / upper_amp base_v = avg[:extend_length].mean() avg[extend_length:] = (avg[extend_length:] - base_v) * scale + base_v output_list.append(avg) return np.hstack(output_list)
def _subsample_average(x, width): """Downsamples x by averaging `width` points""" avg = np.nanmean(x.reshape(-1, width), axis=1) return avg
[docs]def subthresh_norm(amp_sweep_dict, deflect_dict, start, end, target_amp=-101., extend_duration=0.2, subsample_interval=0.01): """ Subthreshold step response closest to target amplitude normalized to baseline and peak deflection Parameters ---------- amp_sweep_dict: dict Amplitude-sweep pairs deflect_dict: Dictionary of (baseline, deflect) tuples with amplitude keys start: float start stimulus interval (seconds) end: float end of stimulus interval (seconds) target_amp: float (optional, default=-101) Search target for amplitude (pA) extend_duration: float (optional, default 0.2) Duration to extend sweep on each side of stimulus interval (seconds) subsample_interval: float (optional, default 0.01) Size of subsampled bins (seconds) Returns ------- subsampled_v: array Subsampled, normalized voltage trace """ available_amps = np.array(list(amp_sweep_dict.keys())) sweep_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(available_amps - target_amp)) matching_amp = available_amps[sweep_ind] swp = amp_sweep_dict[matching_amp] base, deflect_v = deflect_dict[matching_amp] delta = base - deflect_v start_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, start - extend_duration) delta_t = swp.t[1] - swp.t[0] subsample_width = int(np.round(subsample_interval / delta_t)) end_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, end + extend_duration) subsampled_v = _subsample_average(swp.v[start_index:end_index], subsample_width) subsampled_v -= base subsampled_v /= delta return subsampled_v
[docs]def subthresh_depol_norm(amp_sweep_dict, deflect_dict, start, end, extend_duration=0.2, subsample_interval=0.01, steady_state_interval=0.1): """ Largest positive-going subthreshold step response that does not evoke spikes, normalized to baseline and steady-state at end of step Parameters ---------- amp_sweep_dict: dict Amplitude-sweep pairs deflect_dict: Dictionary of (baseline, deflect) tuples with amplitude keys start: float start stimulus interval (seconds) end: float end of stimulus interval (seconds) extend_duration: float (optional, default 0.2) Duration to extend sweep on each side of stimulus interval (seconds) subsample_interval: float (optional, default 0.01) Size of subsampled bins (seconds) steady_state_interval: float (optional, default 0.1) Interval before end for normalization (seconds) Returns ------- subsampled_v: array Subsampled, normalized voltage trace """ if (end - start) < steady_state_interval: raise ValueError("steady state interval cannot exceed stimulus interval") if len(amp_sweep_dict) == 0: logging.debug("No subthreshold depolarizing sweeps found - returning all-nan response") # create all-nan response of appropriate length total_interval = extend_duration * 2 + (end - start) length = int(total_interval / subsample_interval) return np.ones(length) * np.nan available_amps = list(amp_sweep_dict.keys()) max_amp = np.max(available_amps) swp = amp_sweep_dict[max_amp] base, _ = deflect_dict[max_amp] interval_start_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, end - steady_state_interval) interval_end_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, end) steady_state_v = swp.v[interval_start_index:interval_end_index].mean() delta = steady_state_v - base start_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, start - extend_duration) delta_t = swp.t[1] - swp.t[0] subsample_width = int(np.round(subsample_interval / delta_t)) end_index = tsu.find_time_index(swp.t, end + extend_duration) subsampled_v = _subsample_average(swp.v[start_index:end_index], subsample_width) subsampled_v -= base subsampled_v /= delta return subsampled_v
[docs]def identify_sweep_for_isi_shape(sweeps, features, duration, min_spike=5): """ Find lowest-amplitude spiking sweep that has at least min_spike or else sweep with most spikes Parameters ---------- sweeps: SweepSet Sweeps to consider for ISI shape calculation features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() duration: float Length of stimulus interval (seconds) min_spike: int (optional, default 5) Minimum number of spikes for first preference sweep (default 5) Returns ------- selected_sweep: Sweep Sweep object for ISI shape calculation selected_spike_info: DataFrame Spike info for selected sweep """ sweep_table = features["sweeps"] mask_supra = (sweep_table["avg_rate"].values > 0) & (sweep_table["stim_amp"] > 0) supra_table = sweep_table.loc[mask_supra, :] amps = np.rint(supra_table["stim_amp"].values) n_spikes = supra_table["avg_rate"].values * duration # Pick out the sweep to get the ISI shape # Shape differences are more prominent at lower frequencies, but we want # enough to average to reduce noise. So, we will pick # (1) lowest amplitude sweep with at least `min_spike` spikes (i.e. min_spike - 1 ISIs) # (2) if not (1), sweep with the most spikes if any have multiple spikes # (3) if not (1) or (2), lowest amplitude sweep with 1 spike if np.any(n_spikes >= min_spike): spike_mask = n_spikes >= min_spike min_index = np.argmin(amps[spike_mask]) selection_index = np.arange(0, len(n_spikes), dtype=int)[spike_mask][min_index] elif np.any(n_spikes > 1): selection_index = np.argmax(n_spikes) else: only_one_spike = True selection_index = np.argmin(amps) selected_sweep = np.array(sweeps.sweeps)[mask_supra][selection_index] info_index = supra_table.index.tolist()[selection_index] selected_spike_info = features["spikes_set"][info_index] return selected_sweep, selected_spike_info
[docs]def isi_shape(sweep, spike_info, end, n_points=100, steady_state_interval=0.1, single_return_tolerance=1., single_max_duration=0.1): """ Average interspike voltage trajectory with normalized duration, aligned to threshold Parameters ---------- sweep: Sweep Sweep object with at least one action potential spike_info: DataFrame Spike info for sweep end: float End of stimulus interval (seconds) n_points: int (optional, default 100) Number of points in output steady_state_interval: float (optional, default 0.1) Interval for calculating steady-state for sweeps with only one spike (seconds) single_return_tolerance: float (optional, default 1) Allowable difference from steady-state for determining end of "ISI" if only one spike is in sweep (mV) single_max_duration: float (optional, default 0.1) Allowable max duration for finding end of "ISI" if only one spike is in sweep (seconds) Returns ------- isi_norm: array of shape (n_points) Averaged, threshold-aligned, duration-normalized voltage trace """ n_spikes = spike_info.shape[0] if n_spikes > 1: threshold_indexes = spike_info["threshold_index"].values threshold_voltages = spike_info["threshold_v"].values fast_trough_indexes = spike_info["fast_trough_index"].values isi_list = [] for start_index, end_index, thresh_v in zip(fast_trough_indexes[:-1], threshold_indexes[1:], threshold_voltages[:-1]): isi_raw = sweep.v[int(start_index):int(end_index)] - thresh_v width = len(isi_raw) // n_points if width == 0: logging.debug("found isi shorter than specified width; skipping") continue isi_norm = _subsample_average(isi_raw[:width * n_points], width) isi_list.append(isi_norm) isi_norm = np.vstack(isi_list).mean(axis=0) else: threshold_v = spike_info["threshold_v"][0] fast_trough_index = spike_info["fast_trough_index"].astype(int)[0] fast_trough_t = spike_info["fast_trough_t"][0] stim_end_index = tsu.find_time_index(sweep.t, end) if fast_trough_t < end - steady_state_interval: max_end_index = tsu.find_time_index(sweep.t, sweep.t[fast_trough_index] + single_max_duration) std_start_index = tsu.find_time_index(sweep.t, end - steady_state_interval) steady_state_v = sweep.v[std_start_index:stim_end_index].mean() above_ss_ind = np.flatnonzero(sweep.v[fast_trough_index:] >= steady_state_v - single_return_tolerance) if len(above_ss_ind) > 0: end_index = above_ss_ind[0] + fast_trough_index end_index = min(end_index, max_end_index) else: logging.debug("isi_shape: voltage does not return to steady-state within specified tolerance; " "resorting to specified max duration") end_index = max_end_index else: end_index = stim_end_index # check that it's not too close (less than n_points) if end_index - fast_trough_index < n_points: if end_index >= stim_end_index: logging.warning("isi_shape: spike close to end of stimulus interval") end_index = fast_trough_index + n_points isi_raw = sweep.v[fast_trough_index:end_index] - threshold_v width = len(isi_raw) // n_points isi_raw = isi_raw[:width * n_points] # ensure division will work isi_norm = _subsample_average(isi_raw, width) return isi_norm
[docs]def first_ap_vectors(sweeps_list, spike_info_list, target_sampling_rate=50000, window_length=0.003, skip_clipped=False): """Average waveforms of first APs from sweeps Parameters ---------- sweeps_list: list List of Sweep objects spike_info_list: list List of spike info DataFrames target_sampling_rate: float (optional, default 50000) Desired sampling rate of output (Hz) window_length: float (optional, default 0.003) Length of AP waveform (seconds) Returns ------- ap_v: array of shape (target_sampling_rate * window_length) Waveform of average AP ap_dv: array of shape (target_sampling_rate * window_length - 1) Waveform of first derivative of ap_v """ if skip_clipped: nonclipped_sweeps_list = [] nonclipped_spike_info_list = [] for swp, si in zip(sweeps_list, spike_info_list): if not si["clipped"].values[0]: nonclipped_sweeps_list.append(swp) nonclipped_spike_info_list.append(si) sweeps_list = nonclipped_sweeps_list spike_info_list = nonclipped_spike_info_list if len(sweeps_list) == 0: length_in_points = int(target_sampling_rate * window_length) zero_v = np.zeros(length_in_points) return zero_v, np.diff(zero_v) swp = sweeps_list[0] sampling_rate = int(np.rint(1. / (swp.t[1] - swp.t[0]))) length_in_points = int(sampling_rate * window_length) ap_list = [] for swp, si in zip(sweeps_list, spike_info_list): ap = first_ap_waveform(swp, si, length_in_points) ap_list.append(ap) avg_ap = np.vstack(ap_list).mean(axis=0) if sampling_rate > target_sampling_rate: sampling_factor = int(sampling_rate // target_sampling_rate) avg_ap = _subsample_average(avg_ap, sampling_factor) return avg_ap, np.diff(avg_ap)
[docs]def noise_ap_features(noise_sweeps, stim_interval_list = [(2.02, 5.02), (10.02, 13.02), (18.02, 21.02)], target_sampling_rate=50000, window_length=0.003, skip_first_n=1): """Average AP waveforms in noise sweeps Parameters ---------- noise_sweeps: SweepSet Noise sweeps stim_interval_list: list Tuples of start and end times (in seconds) of analysis intervals target_sampling_rate: float (optional, default 50000) Desired sampling rate of output (Hz) window_length: float (optional, default 0.003) Length of AP waveform (seconds) skip_first_n: int (optional, default 1) Number of initial APs to exclude from average (default 1) Returns ------- ap_v: array of shape (target_sampling_rate * window_length) Waveform of average AP ap_dv: array of shape (target_sampling_rate * window_length - 1) Waveform of first derivative of ap_v """ # Noise sweeps have multiple intervals of stimulation # so we can find the spikes in each of them separately features_list = [] for start, end in stim_interval_list: spx, spfx = dsf.extractors_for_sweeps(noise_sweeps, start=start, end=end) analysis = spa.StimulusProtocolAnalysis(spx, spfx) features_list.append(analysis.analyze(noise_sweeps)) swp = noise_sweeps.sweeps[0] sampling_rate = int(np.rint(1. / (swp.t[1] - swp.t[0]))) length_in_points = int(sampling_rate * window_length) avg_ap_list = [] for i, sweep in enumerate(noise_sweeps.sweeps): spike_indexes = np.array([]) # Accumulate the spike times from each interval # excluding the initial `skip_first_n` (due to expected systematically different shapes) for features in features_list: spikes = features["spikes_set"][i] if len(spikes) <= skip_first_n: continue spike_indexes = np.hstack([spike_indexes, spikes["threshold_index"].values[skip_first_n:]]) if len(spike_indexes) > 0: avg_ap_list.append(_avg_ap_waveform(sweep, spike_indexes, length_in_points)) grand_avg_ap = np.vstack(avg_ap_list).mean(axis=0) if sampling_rate > target_sampling_rate: sampling_factor = sampling_rate // target_sampling_rate grand_avg_ap = _subsample_average(grand_avg_ap, sampling_factor) return grand_avg_ap, np.diff(grand_avg_ap)
def _avg_ap_waveform(sweep, spike_indexes, length_in_points): """ Average together spike waveforms in sweep found at spike_indexes""" avg_list = [sweep.v[si:si + length_in_points] for si in spike_indexes.astype(int)] return np.vstack(avg_list).mean(axis=0)
[docs]def first_ap_waveform(sweep, spikes, length_in_points): """Waveform of first AP with `length_in_points` time samples Parameters ---------- sweep: Sweep Sweep object with spikes spikes: DataFrame Spike info dataframe with "threshold_index" column length_in_points: int Length of returned AP waveform Returns ------- first_ap_v: array of shape (length_in_points) The waveform of the first AP in `sweep` """ start_index = spikes["threshold_index"].astype(int)[0] end_index = start_index + length_in_points return sweep.v[start_index:end_index]
[docs]def identify_suprathreshold_spike_info(features, target_amplitudes, shift=None, amp_tolerance=0): """ Find spike information for sweeps matching desired amplitudes relative to rheobase Parameters ---------- features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() target_amplitudes: array Amplitudes (relative to rheobase) for each desired step shift: float (optional, default None) Amount to consider shifting "rheobase" to identify more matching sweeps if only a single sweep matches. A value of None means that no shift is attempted. amp_tolerance: float (optional, default 0) Tolerance for matching amplitude (pA) Returns ------- info_list: list Spike info in order of desired amplitudes. If a given amplitude cannot be found, the list has `None` at that location """ spike_data = features["spikes_set"] sweeps_to_use = _identify_suprathreshold_indices( features, target_amplitudes, shift, amp_tolerance) return [spike_data[ind] if ind is not None else None for ind in sweeps_to_use]
[docs]def identify_suprathreshold_sweeps(sweeps, features, target_amplitudes, shift=None, amp_tolerance=0): """ Find spike information for sweeps matching desired amplitudes relative to rheobase Parameters ---------- sweeps: Sweep set Long square sweeps features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() target_amplitudes: array Amplitudes (relative to rheobase) for each desired step shift: float (optional, default None) Amount to consider shifting "rheobase" to identify more matching sweeps if only a single sweep matches. A value of None means that no shift is attempted. amp_tolerance: float (optional, default 0) Tolerance for matching amplitude (pA) Returns ------- sweeps: list Sweeps in order of desired amplitudes. If a given amplitude cannot be found, the list has `None` at that location """ sweeps_to_use = _identify_suprathreshold_indices( features, target_amplitudes, shift, amp_tolerance) return [sweeps.sweeps[ind] if ind is not None else None for ind in sweeps_to_use]
def _identify_suprathreshold_indices(features, target_amplitudes, shift=None, amp_tolerance=0): """ Find indices for sweeps matching desired amplitudes relative to rheobase Parameters ---------- features: dict Output of LongSquareAnalysis.analyze() target_amplitudes: array Amplitudes (relative to rheobase) for each desired step shift: float (optional, default None) Amount to consider shifting "rheobase" to identify more matching sweeps if only a single sweep matches. A value of None means that no shift is attempted. amp_tolerance: float (optional, default 0) Tolerance for matching amplitude (pA) Returns ------- indices_to_use: list Sweep indices in order of desired amplitudes. If a given amplitude cannot be found, the list has `None` at that location """ sweep_table = features["spiking_sweeps"] mask_supra = sweep_table["stim_amp"] >= features["rheobase_i"] sweep_table = sweep_table.loc[mask_supra, :] sweep_indexes = _consolidated_long_square_indexes(sweep_table.loc[mask_supra, :]) sweep_table = sweep_table.loc[sweep_indexes, :] logging.debug("Identifying spiking sweeps using rheobase = {}".format(features["rheobase_i"])) amps = np.rint(sweep_table["stim_amp"].values - features["rheobase_i"]) logging.debug("Available amplitudes: {:s}".format(np.array2string(amps))) logging.debug("Target amplitudes: {:s}".format(np.array2string(target_amplitudes))) sweeps_to_use = _spiking_sweeps_at_levels(amps, sweep_indexes, target_amplitudes, amp_tolerance) n_matches = np.sum([s is not None for s in sweeps_to_use]) if len(target_amplitudes) > 1 and n_matches <= 1 and shift is not None: logging.debug("Found only one spiking sweep that matches expected amplitude levels; attempting to shift by {} pA".format(shift)) sweeps_to_use = _spiking_sweeps_at_levels(amps - shift, sweep_indexes, target_amplitudes, amp_tolerance) n_matches = np.sum([s is not None for s in sweeps_to_use]) if len(target_amplitudes) > 1 and n_matches <= 1: raise er.FeatureError("Could not find at least two spiking sweeps matching requested amplitude levels") return sweeps_to_use
[docs]def psth_vector(spike_info_list, start, end, width=50): """ Create binned "PSTH"-like feature vector based on spike times, concatenated across sweeps Parameters ---------- spike_info_list: list Spike info DataFrames for each sweep start: float Start of stimulus interval (seconds) end: float End of stimulus interval (seconds) width: float (optional, default 50) Bin width in ms Returns ------- output: array Concatenated vector of binned spike rates (spikes/s) """ vector_list = [] for si in spike_info_list: if si is None: vector_list.append(None) continue thresh_t = si["threshold_t"] spike_count = np.ones_like(thresh_t) one_ms = 0.001 # round to nearest ms to deal with float approximations duration = np.round(end, decimals=3) - np.round(start, decimals=3) n_bins = int(duration / one_ms) // width bin_edges = np.linspace(start, end, n_bins + 1) # includes right edge, so adding one to desired bin number bin_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] output = stats.binned_statistic(thresh_t, spike_count, statistic='sum', bins=bin_edges)[0] output[np.isnan(output)] = 0 output /= bin_width # convert to spikes/s vector_list.append(output) output_vector = _combine_and_interpolate(vector_list) return output_vector
[docs]def inst_freq_vector(spike_info_list, start, end, width=20): """ Create binned instantaneous frequency feature vector, concatenated across sweeps Parameters ---------- spike_info_list: list Spike info DataFrames for each sweep start: float Start of stimulus interval (seconds) end: float End of stimulus interval (seconds) width: float (optional, default 20) Bin width in ms Returns ------- output: array Concatenated vector of binned instantaneous firing rates (spikes/s) """ vector_list = [] for si in spike_info_list: if si is None: vector_list.append(None) continue thresh_t = si["threshold_t"].values inst_freq, inst_freq_times = _inst_freq_feature(thresh_t, start, end) one_ms = 0.001 # round to nearest ms to deal with float approximations duration = np.round(end, decimals=3) - np.round(start, decimals=3) n_bins = int(duration / one_ms) // width bin_edges = np.linspace(start, end, n_bins + 1) # includes right edge, so adding one to desired bin number bin_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] output = stats.binned_statistic(inst_freq_times, inst_freq, bins=bin_edges)[0] nan_ind = np.isnan(output) x = np.arange(len(output)) output[nan_ind] = np.interp(x[nan_ind], x[~nan_ind], output[~nan_ind]) vector_list.append(output) output_vector = _combine_and_interpolate(vector_list) return output_vector
[docs]def spike_feature_vector(feature, spike_info_list, start, end, width=20): """ Create binned feature vector for specified features, concatenated across sweeps Parameters ---------- feature: string Name of feature found in members of spike_info_list spike_info_list: list Spike info DataFrames for each sweep start: float Start of stimulus interval (seconds) end: float End of stimulus interval (seconds) width: float (optional, default 20) Bin width in ms Returns ------- output: array Concatenated vector of binned spike features """ vector_list = [] for si in spike_info_list: if si is None: vector_list.append(None) continue thresh_t = si["threshold_t"].values if feature not in si.columns: logging.warning("Requested feature {} not found in supplied dataframe".format(feature)) feature_values = np.zeros_like(thresh_t) else: feature_values = si[feature].values mask = ~si["clipped"].values thresh_t = thresh_t[mask] feature_values = feature_values[mask] one_ms = 0.001 # round to nearest ms to deal with float approximations duration = np.round(end, decimals=3) - np.round(start, decimals=3) n_bins = int(duration / one_ms) // width bin_edges = np.linspace(start, end, n_bins + 1) # includes right edge, so adding one to desired bin number bin_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] output = stats.binned_statistic(thresh_t, feature_values, bins=bin_edges)[0] nan_ind = np.isnan(output) x = np.arange(len(output)) output[nan_ind] = np.interp(x[nan_ind], x[~nan_ind], output[~nan_ind]) vector_list.append(output) output_vector = _combine_and_interpolate(vector_list) return output_vector
def _spiking_sweeps_at_levels(amps, sweep_indexes, target_amplitudes, amp_tolerance): """Search for sweep indexes that match target amplitudes""" sweeps_to_use = [] for target_amp in target_amplitudes: found_match = False for amp, swp_ind in zip(amps, sweep_indexes): if (np.abs(amp - target_amp) <= amp_tolerance): found_match = True sweeps_to_use.append(swp_ind) logging.debug("Using amplitude {} for target {}".format(amp, target_amp)) break if not found_match: sweeps_to_use.append(None) return sweeps_to_use def _consolidated_long_square_indexes(sweep_table): """Identify a single sweep for each stimulus amplitude if an amplitude is repeated """ sweep_index_list = [] amp_arr = sweep_table["stim_amp"].unique() for a in amp_arr: ind = np.flatnonzero(sweep_table["stim_amp"] == a) if len(ind) == 1: sweep_index_list.append(sweep_table.index[ind[0]]) else: # find the sweep with the median number of spikes at a given amplitude rates = sweep_table.iloc[ind, :]["avg_rate"].values median_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(np.median(rates) - rates)) sweep_index_list.append(sweep_table.index.values[ind[median_ind]]) return np.array(sweep_index_list) def _combine_and_interpolate(data): """Concatenate and interpolate missing items from neighbors""" n_populated = np.sum([d is not None for d in data]) if n_populated <= 1 and len(data) > 1: logging.warning("Data from only one spiking sweep found; interpolated sweeps may have issues") output_list = [] for i, d in enumerate(data): if d is not None: output_list.append(d) continue # Missing data is interpolated from neighbors in list lower = -1 upper = np.inf for j, neighbor in enumerate(data): if j == i: continue if neighbor is not None: if j < i and j > lower: lower = j if j > i and j < upper: upper = j if lower > -1 and upper < len(data): new_data = (data[lower] + data[upper]) / 2 elif lower == -1: new_data = data[upper] else: new_data = data[lower] output_list.append(new_data) return np.hstack(output_list) def _inst_freq_feature(threshold_t, start, end): """ Estimate instantaneous firing rate from differences in spike times This function attempts to estimate a semi-continuous instantanteous firing rate from a set of interspike intervals (ISIs) and spike times. It makes several assumptions: - It assumes that the instantaneous firing rate at the start of the stimulus interval is the inverse of the latency to the first spike. - It estimates the firing rate at each spike as the average of the ISIs on each side of the spike - If the time between the end of the interval and the last spike is less than the last true interspike interval, it sets the instantaneous rate of that last spike and of the end of the interval to the inverse of the last ISI. Therefore, the instantaneous rate would not "jump" just because the stimulus interval ends. - However, if the time between the end of the interval and the last spike is longer than the final ISI, it assumes there may have been a spike just after the end of the interval. Therefore, it essentially returns an upper bound on the estimated rate. Parameters ---------- threshold_t: array Spike times start: float start of stimulus interval (seconds) end: float end of stimulus interval (seconds) Returns ------- inst_firing_rate: array of shape (len(threshold_t) + 2) Instantaneous firing rate estimates (spikes/s) time_points: array of shape (len(threshold_t) + 2) Time points for corresponding values in inst_firing_rate """ if len(threshold_t) == 0: return np.array([0, 0]), np.array([start, end]) inst_inv_rate = [] time_points = [] isis = [(threshold_t[0] - start)] + np.diff(threshold_t).tolist() isis = isis + [max(isis[-1], end - threshold_t[-1])] # Estimate at start of stimulus interval inst_inv_rate.append(isis[0]) time_points.append(start) # Estimate for each spike time for t, pre_isi, post_isi in zip(threshold_t, isis[:-1], isis[1:]): inst_inv_rate.append((pre_isi + post_isi) / 2) time_points.append(t) # Estimate for end of stimulus interval inst_inv_rate.append(isis[-1]) time_points.append(end) inst_firing_rate = 1 / np.array(inst_inv_rate) time_points = np.array(time_points) return inst_firing_rate, time_points