Source code for ipfx.dataset.ephys_data_set

from typing import (
    Optional, List, Dict, Tuple, Collection, Sequence, Union
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
import copy as cp

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from allensdk.deprecated import deprecated

from ipfx.dataset.ephys_data_interface import EphysDataInterface
from ipfx.stimulus import StimulusOntology
from ipfx.sweep import Sweep, SweepSet

[docs]class EphysDataSet(object): STIMULUS_UNITS = 'stimulus_units' STIMULUS_CODE = 'stimulus_code' STIMULUS_AMPLITUDE = 'stimulus_amplitude' STIMULUS_NAME = 'stimulus_name' SWEEP_NUMBER = 'sweep_number' CLAMP_MODE = 'clamp_mode' COLUMN_NAMES = [STIMULUS_UNITS, STIMULUS_CODE, STIMULUS_AMPLITUDE, STIMULUS_NAME, CLAMP_MODE, SWEEP_NUMBER, ] VOLTAGE_CLAMP = "VoltageClamp" CURRENT_CLAMP = "CurrentClamp" @property def ontology(self) -> StimulusOntology: """The stimulus ontology maps codified description of the stimulus type to the human-readable descriptions. """ return self._data.ontology @property def sweep_table(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Each row of the sweep table contains the metadata for a single sweep. In particular details of the stimulus presented and the clamp mode. See EphysDataInterface.get_sweep_metadata for more information. """ if not hasattr(self, "_sweep_table"): sweeps: List[Dict] = [] for num in self._data.sweep_numbers: current = self._data.get_sweep_metadata(num) if self._sweep_info: info = self._sweep_info.get(num, None) if info is None: continue current.update(info) sweeps.append(current) self._sweep_table = pd.DataFrame(sweeps) return self._sweep_table @property def sweep_info(self): return list(self._sweep_info.values()) @sweep_info.setter def sweep_info(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): self._sweep_info: Dict = {} for sweep in value: self._sweep_info[sweep["sweep_number"]] = sweep else: self._sweep_info = value if hasattr(self, "_sweep_table"): del self._sweep_table def __init__( self, data: EphysDataInterface, sweep_info: Optional[List[Dict]] = None ): """EphysDataSet is the preferred interface for running analyses or pipeline code. Parameters ---------- data : This object must implement the EphysDataInterface. It will handle any loading of data from external sources (such as NWB2 files) """ self._data: EphysDataInterface = data self.sweep_info = sweep_info or [] def _setup_stimulus_repeat_lookup(self): """Each sweep contains the ith repetition of some stimulus (from 1 -> the number of times that stimulus was presented). Find i for each sweep. Notes ----- see get_stim_code_ext for use """ stimulus_counters = defaultdict(int) self._stimulus_repeat_lookup = {} for sweep_number in self._data.sweep_numbers: code = self.get_stimulus_code(sweep_number) stimulus_counters[code] += 1 self._stimulus_repeat_lookup[sweep_number] = \ stimulus_counters[code]
[docs] def filtered_sweep_table( self, clamp_mode: Optional[str] = None, stimuli: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, stimuli_exclude: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Utility for filtering the sweep table Parameters ---------- clamp_mode: filter to one of self.VOLTAGE_CLAMP or self.CURRENT_CLAMP stimuli: filter to sweeps presenting these stimuli (codes) stimuli_exclude: filter to sweeps not presenting these stimuli Returns ------- filtered sweep table """ st = self.sweep_table if clamp_mode: mask = st[self.CLAMP_MODE] == clamp_mode st = st[mask.astype(bool)] if stimuli: mask = st[self.STIMULUS_CODE].apply( self.ontology.stimulus_has_any_tags, args=(stimuli,), tag_type="code" ) st = st[mask.astype(bool)] if stimuli_exclude: mask = ~st[self.STIMULUS_CODE].apply( self.ontology.stimulus_has_any_tags, args=(stimuli_exclude,), tag_type="code" ) st = st[mask.astype(bool)] return st
[docs] def get_sweep_numbers( self, stimuli: Collection[str] = None, clamp_mode: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[int]: """Return the integer identifier of all sweeps matching argued criteria Parameters ---------- stimuli : filter to sweeps presenting these stimuli (codes) clamp_mode : filter to sweeps of this clamp mode Returns ------- A list of sweep numbers matching these criteria """ sweeps = self.filtered_sweep_table( clamp_mode=clamp_mode, stimuli=stimuli ).sort_values(by=self.SWEEP_NUMBER) if len(sweeps) == 0: raise IndexError( f"Cannot find {stimuli} sweeps with clamp mode: {clamp_mode} " ) return sweeps[self.SWEEP_NUMBER].values.tolist()
[docs] @deprecated("call .get_sweep_numbers()[-1] instead") def get_sweep_number( self, stimuli: Collection[str], clamp_mode: Optional[str] = None ) -> int: """Convenience for getting the integer identifier of the temporally latest sweep matching argued criteria. Parameters ---------- stimuli : filter to sweeps presentingthese stimuli clamp_mode : filter to sweeps of this clamp mode Returns ------- The identifier of the last sweep matching argued criteria """ return self.get_sweep_numbers(stimuli, clamp_mode)[-1]
[docs] def sweep(self, sweep_number: int) -> Sweep: """ Create an instance of the Sweep class with the data loaded from the from a file Parameters ---------- sweep_number: int Returns ------- sweep: Sweep object """ sweep_data = self.get_sweep_data(sweep_number) sweep_metadata = self._data.get_sweep_metadata(sweep_number) time = np.arange( len(sweep_data["stimulus"]) ) / sweep_data["sampling_rate"] voltage, current = type(self)._voltage_current( sweep_data["stimulus"], sweep_data["response"], sweep_metadata["clamp_mode"], enforce_equal_length=True, ) try: sweep = Sweep( t=time, v=voltage, i=current, sampling_rate=sweep_data["sampling_rate"], sweep_number=sweep_number, clamp_mode=sweep_metadata["clamp_mode"], epochs=sweep_data.get("epochs", None), ) except Exception: logging.warning("Error reading sweep %d" % sweep_number) raise return sweep
[docs] def sweep_set( self, sweep_numbers: Union[Sequence[int], int, None] = None ) -> SweepSet: """Construct a SweepSet object, which offers convenient access to an ordered collection of sweeps. Parameters ---------- sweep_numbers : Identifiers for the sweeps which will make up this set. If None, use all available sweeps. Returns ------- A SweepSet constructed from the requested sweeps """ if sweep_numbers is None: _sweep_numbers: Sequence = self._data.sweep_numbers elif not hasattr(sweep_numbers, "__len__"): # not testing for order _sweep_numbers = [sweep_numbers] else: _sweep_numbers = sweep_numbers # type: ignore return SweepSet([self.sweep(num) for num in _sweep_numbers])
[docs] def get_recording_date(self) -> str: """Return the date and time at which recording began. Returns ------- a string, formatted like: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" in local time """ return ( self._data.get_full_recording_date() .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )
[docs] def get_sweep_data(self, sweep_number: int) -> Dict: """Obtain the recorded data for a given sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifier for the sweep whose data will be returned Returns ------- A dictionary containing at least: { 'stimulus': np.ndarray, 'response': np.ndarray, 'stimulus_unit': string, 'sampling_rate': float } """ sweep_data = cp.copy(self._data.get_sweep_data(sweep_number)) sweep_data["response"] = _nan_trailing_zeros(sweep_data["response"]) return sweep_data
[docs] def get_clamp_mode(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """Obtain the clamp mode of a given sweep. Should be one of EphysDataSet.VOLTAGE_CLAMP or EphysDataSet.CURRENT_CLAMP Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifier for the sweep whose clamp mode will be returned Returns ------- The clamp mode of the identified sweep """ return self._data.get_sweep_metadata(sweep_number)["clamp_mode"]
[docs] def get_stimulus_code(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """Return the (short form) stimulus code for a particular sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifier for the sweep whose stimulus code will be returned Returns ------- code defining the stimulus presented on the identified sweep """ return self._data.get_stimulus_code(sweep_number)
[docs] def get_stimulus_code_ext(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """Obtain the extended stimulus code for a sweep. This is the stimulus code for that sweep augmented with an integer counter describing the number of presentations of that stimulus up to and including the requested sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifies the sweep whose extended stimulus code will be returned Returns ------- A string of the form "{stimulus_code}[{counter}]" """ if not hasattr(self, "self._stimulus_repeat_lookup"): self._setup_stimulus_repeat_lookup() repeat = self._stimulus_repeat_lookup[sweep_number] code = self.get_stimulus_code(sweep_number) return f"{code}[{repeat}]"
[docs] def get_stimulus_units(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """Report the SI unit of measurement for a sweep's stimulus data Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifies the sweep whose stimulus unit will be returned Returns ------- An SI (or derived) unit's name """ return self._data.get_sweep_metadata(sweep_number)["stimulus_units"]
@classmethod def _voltage_current( cls, stimulus: np.ndarray, response: np.ndarray, clamp_mode: str, enforce_equal_length: bool = True ) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: """Resolve the stimulus and response arrays from a sweep's data into voltage and current, using the clamp mode as a guide Parameters ---------- stimulus : stimulus trace response : response trace clamp_mode : Used to map stimulus and response to voltage and current enforce_equal_length : Raise a ValueError if the stimulus and response arrays have uneven numbers of samples Returns ------- The voltage and current traces. """ if clamp_mode == cls.VOLTAGE_CLAMP: voltage = stimulus current = response elif clamp_mode == cls.CURRENT_CLAMP: voltage = response current = stimulus else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid clamp mode: {clamp_mode}") if enforce_equal_length and len(voltage) != len(current): raise ValueError( f"found {len(voltage)} voltage samples, " f"but {len(current)} current samples" ) return voltage, current
def _nan_trailing_zeros( array: np.ndarray, inplace: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """If an array ends with one or more zeros, replace those zeros with np.nan """ if not inplace: array = array.copy() nonzero = np.flatnonzero(array) if len(nonzero) == 0 or nonzero[-1] + 1 >= len(array): return array array[nonzero[-1] + 1:] = np.nan return array