Source code for ipfx.dataset.ephys_data_interface

from typing import Dict, Any, Sequence
import abc
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

from ipfx.stimulus import StimulusOntology

[docs]class EphysDataInterface(abc.ABC): """ The interface that any child class providing data to the EphysDataSet must implement """ def __init__(self, ontology: StimulusOntology, validate_stim: bool = True): self.ontology = ontology self.validate_stim = validate_stim @abc.abstractproperty def sweep_numbers(self) -> Sequence[int]: """A time-ordered sequence of each sweep's integer identifier """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_sweep_data(self, sweep_number: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract sweep data Parameters ---------- sweep_number Returns ------- dict in the format: { 'stimulus': np.ndarray, 'response': np.ndarray, 'stimulus_unit': string, 'sampling_rate': float } """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_sweep_metadata(self, sweep_number: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns metadata about a sweep Parameters ---------- sweep_number : identifier of the sweep whose metadata will be returned Returns ------- dict in the format: { "sweep_number": int, "stimulus_units": str, "bridge_balance_mohm": float, "leak_pa": float, "stimulus_scale_factor": float, "stimulus_code": str, "stimulus_code_ext": str, "stimulus_name": str, "clamp_mode": str } """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_sweep_attrs(self, sweep_number) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract sweep attributes Parameters ---------- sweep_number Returns ------- sweep attributes """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_stimulus_code(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """Obtain the code of the stimulus presented on a particular sweep. Parameters ---------- sweep_number : unique identifier for the sweep Returns ------- The codified name of the stimulus presented on the identified sweep """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_full_recording_date(self) -> datetime: """Obtain the full date and time at which recording began. Returns ------- A datetime object, with timezone, reporting the start of recording """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_stimulus_unit(self, sweep_number: int) -> str: """ Extract unit of a stimulus Parameters ---------- sweep_number Returns ------- stimulus unit """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_stimulus_name(self, stim_code): if not self.ontology: raise ValueError("Missing stimulus ontology") try: stim = self.ontology.find_one(stim_code, tag_type="code") return stim.tags(tag_type="name")[0][-1] except KeyError: if self.validate_stim: raise else: warnings.warn("Stimulus code {} is not in the ontology".format(stim_code)) return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_clamp_mode(self, sweep_number) -> str: """ Extract clamp mode from the class of Time Series Parameters ---------- sweep_number Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError