Source code for ipfx.bin.run_pipeline_from_nwb_file

import allensdk.core.json_utilities as ju
import os.path
from ipfx.bin.run_pipeline import run_pipeline
from ipfx.bin.generate_pipeline_input import generate_pipeline_input
import ipfx.logging_utils as lu
import argparse

[docs]def main(): """ Convenience script for running ephys pipeline from a given nwb file It generates the pipeline input and then calls the run_pipeline executable Usage: python <input_nwb_file> <output_dir> """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Process an nwb file through the ephys pipeline" ) parser.add_argument( "input_nwb_file", type=str, help="process this NWB2 file" ) parser.add_argument( "output_dir", type=str, help="outputs will be written here" ) parser.add_argument( "--write_spikes", type=bool, default=False, help="If true will attempt to append spike times to the nwb file", ) parser.add_argument( "--input_json", type=str, default="input.json", help=( "write pipeline input json file here (relative to " "OUTPUT_DIR/cell_name, where cell_name is the extensionless " "basename of the input NWB file)" ) ) parser.add_argument( "--output_json", type=str, default="output.json", help=( "write output json file here (relative to OUTPUT_DIR/cell_name, " "where cell_name is the extensionless basename of the input NWB " "file)" ) ) parser.add_argument( "--qc_fig_dir", type=str, default=None, const="qc_figs", nargs="?", help=( "Generate qc figures and store them here (relative to " "OUTPUT_DIR/cell_name, where cell_name is the extensionless " "basename of the input nwb file). If you supply --qc_fig_dir with " "no arguments, the path will be OUTPUT_DIR/cell_name/qc_figs. If " "this argument is not supplied, no figures will be generated." ) ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) output_dir = args["output_dir"] input_nwb_file = args["input_nwb_file"] input_json = args["input_json"] output_json = args["output_json"] input_nwb_file_basename = os.path.basename(input_nwb_file) cell_name = os.path.splitext(input_nwb_file_basename)[0] cell_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, cell_name) os.makedirs(cell_dir, exist_ok=True) lu.configure_logger(cell_dir) pipeline_input = generate_pipeline_input( cell_dir=cell_dir, input_nwb_file=input_nwb_file, plot_figures=args["qc_fig_dir"] is not None, qc_fig_dirname=args["qc_fig_dir"] ) input_json = os.path.join(cell_dir, input_json) ju.write(input_json, pipeline_input) # reading back from disk pipeline_input = pipeline_output = run_pipeline(pipeline_input["input_nwb_file"], pipeline_input["output_nwb_file"], pipeline_input.get("stimulus_ontology_file", None), pipeline_input.get("qc_fig_dir", None), pipeline_input["qc_criteria"], pipeline_input["manual_sweep_states"], args["write_spikes"]) ju.write(os.path.join(cell_dir, output_json), pipeline_output)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()